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Switchboard: Rails Application Screen Shot

Switchboard: Rails Application

Technologies: Ruby, Stimulus, Tailwind, Rails, Turbo, Postgresql, Heroku, APIs needed a customer dashboard that was easy to use and still provided a way to configure some complex phone trees.

We build a new dashboard that allows clients to manage their phone system, schedule different functionality for different times of day, and include dynamic content, like upcoming events and wait times.

The systems integrates with multiple APIs to enable a wide range of functionality. After a call is placed the system sends the caller a text message with information and a link to a web based landing page, allowing their customers to quickly do what they need without having to talk to someone at the restuarant.

We used the Hotwired framework to make the site more responsive, providing a better user experience.

From the site:

Answer 90%+ of customer phone calls without having to connect to your staff. Switchboard makes it easy to set up automated responses to your customer's most asked questions, saving hundreds of hours a month of your staff's time.

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