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c a n d l a n d . n e t
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Hi!, I'm Dusty

I'd describe myself as an entrepreneurial software artisan, professionally. A husband, father, climber, martial artist, skater, personally. An okay dude, generally. 😋

I help SaaS startup founders take their idea from 0 to 1 by building a solid foundation for their product that lets us iterate quickly and get to product-market fit. I've been doing this for over 20 years for a number of startups.

Feel free to reach out! Happy to meet new people and help however I can. 😀


I've been developing web applications since the 90s. Starting with JavaScript, Active Server Pages and ColdFusion, I quickly wanted to know and build more. I moved into Visual Basic and then Java and C#.

When I started working with more startups I jumped into Ruby and the Ruby on Rails framework. And as I needed to build things for scale I used Clojure and GoLang.

I went to school for Graphic Design & Web Design, which has been very helpful, but programming is really what I enjoy and excel at.

I've been consulting for a long time and I'm usually helping build a company at the same time. Currently I'm co-founding a telephony startup. Before that, I co-founded ROXIMITY which was acquired by Verve in 2016.