Masked Attribute
Add an attribute to a model and store the selected options in a bitmask value.
Add an attribute to a model and store the selected options in a bitmask value.
class User
include MaskedAttribute
masked_attribute :roles, %i[admin sysadmin]
More deailts in the readme: Masked Attribute
Add methods for working with a masked attribute in models.
Add field to database
Create the backing field. It should be appended with _mask
. To add roles
to User
, the field would be role_mask
The field must be an integer
and should be default: 0, null: false
Example migration:
bin/rails generate migration add_roles_to_user role_mask:integer
Modify the migration to set the default to 0, and disallow NULLs.
class AddRolesToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :users, :role_mask, :integer, null: false, default: 0
bin/rails db:migrate
Include in your model
class User
include MaskedAttribute
masked_attribute :roles, %i[admin sysadmin]
The masked_attribute
takes two arguments, attribute_name
and masks
is the name for the masked attribute. For example
a name of :roles
will create methods for the role_mask backing attribute.
is an array of symbols for the mask values. Order matters. You can change the values
of the masks, but if you change the order, you'll need to migrate existing data.
will add methods, scopes, and contants to User
for working with roles
User::ROLES = masks
User::INDEXED_ROLES = {mask_value => mask, ...}
# Add attr_writer for the ATTRIBUTE_NAME. This should always be called with the full array of roles.
def roles= [array_of_masks]
# Add attr_reader for the ATTRIBUTE_NAME
def roles -> [array_of_masks]
# Add a scope with_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, which returns records that match ALL given masks
scope with_roles(*masks)
# Add a scope with_any_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, which returns records that match ANY given masks
scope with_any_roles(*masks)
# Add scopes for each MASK, to return records with the MASK in the name of the method
scope admins()
scope sysadmins()
# Add MASK? methods. Returns true if the mask is set
def admin?
def sysadmin?
# Add add_MASK! methods. Updates the backing field with the MASK value in the name.
def add_admin!
def add_sysadmin!
# Add remove_MASK! methods. Updates the backing field with the MASK value in the name.
def remove_admin!
def remove_sysadmin!
# Add a MASK from the mask_attribute_name
def add_role(mask)
# Remove a MASK from the mask_attribute_name
def remove_role(mask)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "masked_attribute"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install masked_attribute
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
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