Elixir Phoenix Partials
How to create partials in Elixir with block like syntax. Like: ``` = render_shared "page_header.html", title: "Listing Posts", body: fn -> = link "New Post", class: 'btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary', to: post_path(@conn, :new) ```
How to create partials in Elixir with block like syntax. Like:
= render_shared "page_header.html", title: "Listing Posts", body: fn ->
= link "New Post", class: 'btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary', to: post_path(@conn, :new)
Create a SharedView
module to hold the shared templates.
defmodule SampleAdmin.SharedView do
use SampleAdmin, :view
Create a Helpers
module that we'll add to all views. This is where we'll
create the render_shared
defmodule SampleAdmin.Helpers do
alias Phoenix.View
def render_shared(template, assigns \\ []) do
View.render(SampleAdmin.SharedView, template, assigns)
Add Helpers
to all Views in the root module SampleAdmin
in this case.
def view do
quote do
import SampleAdmin.Helpers
Create the shared template in templates/shared
. In here you need to
check if the body
was assigned & if so then render the output
by calling the function. Could probably make sure it is a function
in the render_shared
h1= assigns[:title]
= if assigns[:body] do
= assigns[:body].()
The SharedView
& Helpers
setup is optional, but I like having them setup.
These are webmentions via the IndieWeb and webmention.io. Mention this post from your site: