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My Startup Life [Review]


I just finished reading My Startup Life by Ben Casnocha. It an interesting and enjoyable read. It’s a mix of his story and insights and learnings from along the way. The insights and learnings are in side bars, which I found distractin...

Prototype classes and bind


I'm working with the Prototype JS library classes, which I'm really liking. But I ran into one stumbling block, Binding. In JS the scope in which your function can be called can change and as such the 'this' object can change. The main p...

Facebook.NET Configuration Section


I’m checking out the Facebook.NET libraries, and find the documentation to be very lacking. I could be looking in the wrong places. Anyway, to setup the configuration section, you need to reference the FacebookNET.Web.dll. Then in your c...

Castle microkernel Shows It’s strength


I'm a big fan of the stack, but the MicroKernel really shows it's strength when you need to do a couple of custom things, and find out that the customization is really easy, and intuitive. Setting up a facility to add a...

Castle MicroKernel Shows It’s Strength P2


Continuing from my previous post... Using Custom Dependency Resolvers and Sub Kernels. I think this is more of an edge case, but the fact that I can be done really easily is where the Castle strength is. First, I see two nice things abou...

Using flags in c#


Some notes about using enums as flags in C#. Use the FlagsAttribute on you enum. Have a None option set to 0. Have the first option start at 1, and each next value should be 2 times the previous one (I wonder what that pattern is called)...

Attribute Values on interfaces are not inherited


I guess it makes sense, that an interface is implemented, not inherited, but I think it's confusing that interfaces are ignored when searching for custom attributes, using the GetCustomAttributes methods. Attributes shouldn’t be thought ...

Blogging With Windows Live Writer


I setup windows live writer today. I really like posting using this over the web interface. Not sure how to tag my posts yet... Oh, found it. At the bottom of the writer interface there is a categories list you can select your tags. You ...

Setting up and starting with GIT (ignoring files)


I’m setting up GIT. So far I’m liking it. To exclude files and directories I added the following to the .git/info/exclude file. build_ReSharper**.user*.resharper*.suobinobj These sites have been helpful in getting started.

Tortoise SVN global ignores


I know tons of people have already posted their global ignores list, but here’s mine: */bin */obj *.user *.suo *.webinfo bin obj *.dll *.pdb *.exe  _ReSharper* */_ReSharper* *.resharper *.DLL – Tortois...

NS3Library now has support for SQLiteS3Service


More refactoring and support added for SQLite. There are now two IS3Service implementations, one using Amazons S3 and one using SQLite locally. This allows for easier testing (and free) testings and just a config change to your IoC confi...

Aws S3 Library changed to NS3Library


I did some major refactoring to the AwsS3Library including renaming it to NS3Library and setting up a new project at The major changes were around adding interfaces to the public objects to allow diff...

Moving from Castle RC3 to Trunk


Today I moved from Castle Project RC3 to Trunk there were a couple changes that I needed to make. The IFilter interface has changed, The ExecuteEnum has changed to ExecuteWhen. The IRailsEngineContext name has changed to IEngineContext. ...

Send Email using RenderViewAndSend on Monorail


Templates When sending an email using RenderMessageAndSend the following will be parsed for the message and removed what’s left is sent as the body. from: name <address> or addressto: address,addresscc: address,addressbcc: address...

Unit Testing Castle Monorail Filters


I’m really liking the unit test support in the Castle Monorail project. Here’s an example to create a simple test for testing filters. [TestFixture]public class AdminAuthorizationFilterTest : BaseControllerTest{ private Controller _c...

Storing DateTime objects in Amazon Simple DB


I’m working with the Amazon Simple DB web service. It stores everything in strings as such I needed to store a DateTime in ISO 8601 format for later sorting the strings in correct order. The frameworks has at least three formating string...

Castle monorail brail view template


I finally spent two minutes to create a view.brail VS template today. It’s really basic, but at least I won’t end up with a class definition every time I try to add a new view. Below is the zip file, just drop in into My Documents\Visual...

Circuit City Sucks [rant]


Warning: off topic rant, sorry. If you are going to buy anything from Circuit City be warned that you will be dealing with either lying or ignorant and lazy sales people and rude customer service. Recently on two different occasions I bo...