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Making Sure A NHibernate IInterceptor Is In The Session

Dusty Candland | |

Building on the previous post Intercepting NHibernate to Handle Additional Database Work, I used the ILifecycle interface to ensure the IInterceptor was setup on the session before saving MyEntity. I ILifecycle interface is deprecated, but I needed some way to make sure the interceptor was there. If an entity has the ILifecycle interface nothing more is needed, NHibernate will call the methods. I used the OnSave method, to inspect the session instance and throw and exception if needed. Anyway, here’s the code:

public class MyEntity : ILifecycle { public virtual int Id { get; set; } public virtual int ParentId { get; set; }

public virtual LifecycleVeto OnSave(ISession s) { var sessionDelegate = s as SessionDelegate; var session = sessionDelegate != null ? sessionDelegate.InnerSession as SessionImpl : s as SessionImpl;

if (session != null && session.Interceptor.GetType().Equals(typeof(MyEntityInterceptor))) return LifecycleVeto.NoVeto;

throw new ApplicationException("MyEntityInterceptor needs to be registered with the container."); }

public virtual LifecycleVeto OnUpdate(ISession s) { return LifecycleVeto.NoVeto; }

public virtual LifecycleVeto OnDelete(ISession s) { return LifecycleVeto.NoVeto; }

public virtual void OnLoad(ISession s, object id) { } }

I think there are potentially better ways to handle this, but with the existing constraints on the code and time work something out, this was the way I went.


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