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Psake Tab Expansion!


After installing the awesome posh-git stuff, I thought “it would be cool to have tab expansion for my psake tasks”. So, I read the posh-git stuff and decided it would be easy to follow the pattern they’ve used and adopt it for psake. Tha...

Warming up to MVC2, Castle, and Spark with Red Yawk


Red what? Red Yawk (silent W), as in Red27 Consulting’s Yet Another Web frameworK. I’m not sure I really like the name, but it’ll work for now. I spent a good part of today trying to decide on what web framework to use for some upcoming ...

Resolve Lists and Arrays with Castle Windsor


I’ve worked with the Castle Project for a long time, primarily with Windsor. However, I often forget there are Array and List dependencies resolvers build-in, but they need to be wired up. This is mostly for my memory and hopefully it he...

Psake Builds and TeamCity Integration


Psake is a powerful build system, build on Powershell for a lot of functionality and familiarity. And TeamCity is a really nice continuous integration server, checkout the CodeBetter TeamCity install for a good demo. Hooking the two up w...

A New Year & A New Venture: Red27 Consulting


I’ve decided to take the plunge and start consulting full time. My company, Red27 Consulting, has been around for few years, but this year I will be pursuing consulting/independent development work full time. Red27 will be an agile/alt.n...

N2CMS Build From Source


Download source Run Prepare_Dependencies-vs2008.bat Deploy_Everything-vs2008.bat Copy the output/Templates_Mvc directory to a new directory for the projects Edit permissions on the wwwroot sub folder to add IIS_USERS if needed. x64 onl...

Automating Releases with SFTP


I’m trying to automate the deployment process for a website. I’m using Psake for the build process and Migrator.Net for the db migrations. Which left the problem of getting the code to the server. I’ve taken a stab that this using this g...

Asp.Net MVC CheckBoxList HtmlHelper Extension


I added some more methods to the code provided by Tyler Garlick’s CheckBoxList for MVC to allow a dictionary to be passed in place of a list of SelectListItems and an optional list of selected ids. Anyway, here’s the full class. ...

Spark T4 Templates For S#arp Architecture


Here’s a quick conversion of the Views to Spark views for the CurdScaffolding of S#arp Architecture V1. I’m still new to T4 and Spark, so they might need some adjustment, but they seem to work ok for a simple entities.

Unit Testing WCF Security with Castles WcfFacility


Building off David Tchepak’s post “Faking WCF Authentication”, here’s some code to override the Service Host creation when using the Castle WcfFacility. The main integration points are a custom IWcfServiceModel and IServiceHostBuilder us...

Getting Started With The Spark View Engine


Here’s some quick notes for getting started with the Spark View Engine on ASP.NET MVC, including setting up a container (Castle Windsor). Spark Reference the Spark assemblies Spark.dll, Spark.Web.Mvc.dll, and SparkLanguage. Configure...

Changing The FluentNHibernate Id Conventions


FluentNhibernate provides a bunch of Convention interfaces and base classes to override the default conventions. In this case our database naming requires Id columns to include the table name like ProductId for the Products table. Also, ...

NServiceBus 1.9 to 2.0 Upgrade Issues


Here’s some notes about breaking changes we ran into upgrading from 1.9 to 2.0 of NServiceBus. The distributor. This was mostly due to the fact that we had our own TopShelf implementation and had to remove that stuff. The auto loading o...

Overriding NServiceBus Configuration


I needed to override the default NServiceBus configuration (app.config/web.config). This turns out to be really easy with the 2.0 NServiceBus release. First, when setting up the Bus I needed to call CustomConfigurationSource(myCustomSour...

NServiceBus Distributor Overview


Overview The client sends messages to the distributors input queue on a remote machine. The server (or receiver) contacts the distributor asking for messages. As messages are sent to the distributor, it looks up the message endpoint in i...

N2cms Navigation Options on a MVC Site


Add the n2 SlidingCurtain control with a DragDropControlPanel control inside it after the opening body tag. This will link to the editing system of n2cms. <n2:SlidingCurtain ID="SlidingCurtain1" runat="server"> ...