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Building an AIM Bot in .Net using boo


photo by somewhatfrank I’ve been working on a AIM Bot using the aimcc sdk. After signing up and downloading the sdk from I found the documentation for .net lacking and found just getting up and running to be a long...

Implied generic parameter types


I'm not sure of the exact name of this feature, but I stumbled across it today. If a generic method uses the type for a parameter, the complier assumes the generic type, which makes for cleaner code. using System;class Program{ static...

Instant wiki with rBuilder MediaWiki Appliance


The MediaWiki Appliance is An appliance that bundles up PHP, MySQL, Apache and MediaWiki to provide a self-contained, turn-key Wiki appliance. Setup was easy and quick and it runs in V...

Unit Test Live Templates for ReSharper


Attached are Live templates that can be imported into ReSharper to help with writing unit tests. There are templates for Test, Setup, TearDown, TestFixtureSetUp and TestFixtureTearDown methods. I find that failing test cases are really g...

Setting up VS 2005 for nant build files


To setup nant intellisense in VS 2005 you can copy the schema from the install to the Visual Studio Install\xml\schema directory, however this won’t get all available tasks. As such, I prefer to create a nant file which calls the nantsch...

Deleting files recursively with PowerShell


This is not the hardest script to come up with, but I can think of a few times I could have used something like this. ls -rec -inc .svn -fo | foreach {del $_ -rec -fo} It will delete any file or folder named .svn in the current direct...

NHibernate access strategy names


Here are the naming strategies for the NHibernate access attribute. property field field.camelcase field.camelcase-underscore field.pascalcase-m-underscore" field.lowercase-underscore nosetter.camelcase nosetter.camelcase-underscor...

Switch statement and the goto command.


The goto command can be used to within a switch statement to transfer control to other case statements or the default case statement. Using goto case will transfer control to that case statement. Using goto default will transfer execute...

Fully qualified type names for generic types


Syntax for generic types names: MyAssembly.MyClass`[[MyAssembly.MyOtherClass, MyAssembly]], MyAssembly Should be able to use this format anywhere a type name is required, including the Inherits attribute on ASPX Page declarations.

Initializing excel for use from a service account


Sometimes you need to use excel automation and you’d like to have your service or web application running under an service account identity. In some cases excel wants to run some setup on first use by an account. One way is to log into t...

Embedded Databases


I needed an embeddable database to handle some processing before inserting the data into the final database. I worked with three different embeddable databases, each had some pros and cons. SQL Server Everywhere/Mobile edition SQL Server...

Castle monorail logging with windsor


Using Castle monorail with windsor, I setup the logging facility and followed the IoC of concept parameters for optional components. I noticed the base Controller had Logger property and assumed that windsor would handle it from there. H...

SharpDevelop project templates


I wanted to create castle project template for SharpDevelop, I ran into a few issues, some I found a way to fix, some I didn’t. One thing that I needed to do was add a project reference to a dll that was not in the GAC, to do this the Hi...